Veelgestelde vragen

Kijk dan eens bij onze veelgestelde vragen. Als u het antwoord dat u zoekt nog steeds niet kunt vinden, gebruik dan ons contactformulier en we helpen u graag verder met al uw vragen!

Can I send the teaserbox as a gift to someone?

Yes! You can easily send this as a gift to someone else. All you need to do is enter a different shipping address when you enter checkout via PayPal. Please note this is a subscription website and therefore we will collect funds from this account should you not cancel.

When can I expect my teaserbox to arrive?

Payment will be collected once you have subscribed and placed your order and then once a month around the date you placed your first order.  All of our mystery teaserboxes are shipped at the beginning and the end of the month. The cut off point for new subscribers will be the 15th of each month with a shipment period date of the 24th – 28th. Orders received after the 15th of the month will be shipped between the period 1st – 5th of the next month, with the exception of bank and public holidays.

Is there a delivery charge?

No. All delivery charges are included in the price of your teaserbox and don’t forget this is totally discreet!

Do you accommodate allergies?

Unfortunately due to the nature and constant change of our products we cannot accommodate allergies at this time. We suggest you read product packaging if applicable before using anything you are unsure of. If you are not sure of the product and think you may have an allergy please dispose of the product. We realise allergies can be serious and recommend not purchasing a teaserbox should you have any concerns.

Do your products protect against STD's or pregnancy?

Due to the mystery of our boxes contraception MAY be included, however you should always carefully read and be familiar with the product before use. We recommend always practicing safe sex.

Can i subscribe if i do not live in the NL?

Teaserbox subscription is only available to NL addresses.

Do you offer a returns/exchange Policy? What do I do if I receive a product I do not like?

Due to the nature of the products we cannot take returns or exchanges on any items, regardless of whether they are opened or unopened.  Due to our mystery teaserbox there may be items that may take you by surprise but that is part of who we are.  If you feel you have received an item that you are not happy with, please let us know so we can avoid sending similar items and we will try to make it up to you next time.

How do I cancel?

You can cancel your box anytime by logging into your Account via our website. If you don’t have an account simply contact us and we will do the rest for you!